
DRAGON BALL SUPER is a Japanese anime produced by Toei Animation Studios. Scripted by original Dragon Ball author Akira Toriyama, it follows his work and begins shortly after my defeat of Boo in Dragon Ball Z."Four years after Boo's death, peace has returned to Earth, and everyone is living in peace. Goku has become a farmer, and Vegeta spends time with his family. However, the desire to train and grow stronger never leaves them. Goku goes to train with Master Kaio, who tells him that a powerful enemy has awakened from a 39-year slumber: Beerus, God of Destruction. The latter is looking for a warrior who appeared to him in a dream, the Divine Super Saiyan, against whom he wishes to measure himself."The anime has been broadcast since 2017 in France on Toonami in a censored version, then in an uncensored version 1 month later. There are 131 episodes and 2 features.
DRAGON BALL SUPER is a Japanese anime produced by Toei Animation Studios. Scripted by original Dragon Ball author Akira Toriyama, it follows his work and begins shortly after my defeat of Boo in Dragon Ball Z."Four years after Boo's death, peace has returned to Earth, and everyone is living in peace. Goku has become a farmer, and Vegeta spends time with his family. However, the desire to train and grow stronger never leaves them. Goku goes to train with Master Kaio, who tells him that a powerful enemy has awakened from a 39-year slumber: Beerus, God of Destruction. The latter is looking for a warrior who appeared to him in a dream, the Divine Super Saiyan, against whom he wishes to measure himself."The anime has been broadcast since 2017 in France on Toonami in a censored version, then in an uncensored version 1 month later. There are 131 episodes and 2 features.
Dragon Ball Super Vol.1 - O.S.T. [Colored Vinyl] [Limited Edition]
Artist: Sumitomo Norihito / Kiyooka,Chiho (Colv) (Ltd)
Format: Vinyl
New: Available $78.98

Formats and Editions


1. To Tomorrow
2. Believe in Yourself
3. Believe in Yourself (Strings Version)
4. A Powerful Enemy Appears
5. Difficult Battle
6. Crushing Defeat
7. Sign of Victory
8. Great Comeback
9. Super Saiyan God
10. Reconciliation
11. Beerus' Planet
12. Beerus' Teatime
13. Beerus' Madness
14. Vegeta's Strength
15. Team Dragon's Theme
16. What's Taking Goku So Long!?
17. Under the Blue Sky
18. Higgledy-Piggledy Town
19. Scene of a Party
20. A Romantic Night
21. Like Those Clouds
22. Scene of a Southern Island
23. Fire Dance
24. Fate of the Earth
25. The Pilaf Gang's Scheme
26. The Pilaf Gang Flees
27. I'm the Greatest in the World
28. Infinitely Expansive Grand Universe
29. Birth of a God
30. Delightful Friends from Pluto
31. Incident
32. Probing Each Other
33. Cha-La Head-Cha-La (Days of Battle)
34. Delightful Days
35. Gods of Destruction Invitational Fighting Tournament
36. Champa's Theme
37. Chubby Waltz
38. Resurrected Frieza
39. Frieza's Plot
40. Premonition
41. Terror of the Frieza Army
42. Fear That Can't Be Erased
43. Into Battle
44. A Close Battle
45. Frieza's Chosen
46. Golden Frieza's Theme
47. Tough Opponent
48. Time to Fight Back
49. Waves of Battle
50. Blue Saiyan
51. Regret
52. End of a Desperate Battle
53. Endless Training
54. Gods of Destruction Invitational Fighting Tournament Begins!

More Info:

DRAGON BALL SUPER is a Japanese anime produced by Toei Animation Studios. Scripted by original Dragon Ball author Akira Toriyama, it follows his work and begins shortly after my defeat of Boo in Dragon Ball Z."Four years after Boo's death, peace has returned to Earth, and everyone is living in peace. Goku has become a farmer, and Vegeta spends time with his family. However, the desire to train and grow stronger never leaves them. Goku goes to train with Master Kaio, who tells him that a powerful enemy has awakened from a 39-year slumber: Beerus, God of Destruction. The latter is looking for a warrior who appeared to him in a dream, the Divine Super Saiyan, against whom he wishes to measure himself."The anime has been broadcast since 2017 in France on Toonami in a censored version, then in an uncensored version 1 month later. There are 131 episodes and 2 features.
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