This cover of The Residents' "Santa Dog" was created by Sam Coomes (Quasi, Jon Spencer & The Hitmakers), Rob Crow (Pinback, PLOSIVS), Zach Hill (Death Grips, Hella), Mike Morasky (Steel Pole Bath Tub), Ego Plum, and Aaron Tanner (Off-Ox) to celebrate the release of the coffee table book, The Residents: A Sight for Sore Eyes, Vol. 1. Also features a hidden track on side B by Mike Morasky (Steel Pole Bath Tub)! This 10" single is pressed on transparent yellow vinyl.
This cover of The Residents' "Santa Dog" was created by Sam Coomes (Quasi, Jon Spencer & The Hitmakers), Rob Crow (Pinback, PLOSIVS), Zach Hill (Death Grips, Hella), Mike Morasky (Steel Pole Bath Tub), Ego Plum, and Aaron Tanner (Off-Ox) to celebrate the release of the coffee table book, The Residents: A Sight for Sore Eyes, Vol. 1. Also features a hidden track on side B by Mike Morasky (Steel Pole Bath Tub)! This 10" single is pressed on transparent yellow vinyl.
This cover of The Residents' "Santa Dog" was created by Sam Coomes (Quasi, Jon Spencer & The Hitmakers), Rob Crow (Pinback, PLOSIVS), Zach Hill (Death Grips, Hella), Mike Morasky (Steel Pole Bath Tub), Ego Plum, and Aaron Tanner (Off-Ox) to celebrate the release of the coffee table book, The Residents: A Sight for Sore Eyes, Vol. 1. Also features a hidden track on side B by Mike Morasky (Steel Pole Bath Tub)! This 10" single is pressed on transparent yellow vinyl.