
Acclaimed musical drama from Mexico follows the touching and exotic story of Violeta (Ninón Sevilla), a cabaret dancer who discovers an abandoned infant in a trash can. Deciding to raise the child as her own, she receives unexpected help in the person of Santiago (Tito Junco), a nightclub owner whose heart goes out to her. Rodolfo Acosta, Rita Montaner, and Francisco Reiguera also star. 85 min. Standard; Soundtrack: Spanish mono; Subtitles: English; featurettes; theatrical trailer. In Spanish with English subtitles.
Acclaimed musical drama from Mexico follows the touching and exotic story of Violeta (Ninón Sevilla), a cabaret dancer who discovers an abandoned infant in a trash can. Deciding to raise the child as her own, she receives unexpected help in the person of Santiago (Tito Junco), a nightclub owner whose heart goes out to her. Rodolfo Acosta, Rita Montaner, and Francisco Reiguera also star. 85 min. Standard; Soundtrack: Spanish mono; Subtitles: English; featurettes; theatrical trailer. In Spanish with English subtitles.
Victims Of Sin
Format: DVD
New: Available $29.95

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Acclaimed musical drama from Mexico follows the touching and exotic story of Violeta (Ninón Sevilla), a cabaret dancer who discovers an abandoned infant in a trash can. Deciding to raise the child as her own, she receives unexpected help in the person of Santiago (Tito Junco), a nightclub owner whose heart goes out to her. Rodolfo Acosta, Rita Montaner, and Francisco Reiguera also star. 85 min. Standard; Soundtrack: Spanish mono; Subtitles: English; featurettes; theatrical trailer. In Spanish with English subtitles.
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