Sensuous story of a repressed college professor (Pascale Bussières), about to marry her minister boyfriend, who finds herself falling in love with a young, free-spirited female acrobat (Rachael Crawford) who works in a visiting circus. Featuring several erotic sequences, this acclaimed Canadian drama co-stars Henry Czerny, David Fox, and Don McKellar; directed by Patricia Rozema ("Mansfield Park"). 94 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English, French; Subtitles: English, French; audio commentary by Rozema; interview; bonus short "Suspect" (2005); theatrical trailers.
Sensuous story of a repressed college professor (Pascale Bussières), about to marry her minister boyfriend, who finds herself falling in love with a young, free-spirited female acrobat (Rachael Crawford) who works in a visiting circus. Featuring several erotic sequences, this acclaimed Canadian drama co-stars Henry Czerny, David Fox, and Don McKellar; directed by Patricia Rozema ("Mansfield Park"). 94 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English, French; Subtitles: English, French; audio commentary by Rozema; interview; bonus short "Suspect" (2005); theatrical trailers.
Sensuous story of a repressed college professor (Pascale Bussières), about to marry her minister boyfriend, who finds herself falling in love with a young, free-spirited female acrobat (Rachael Crawford) who works in a visiting circus. Featuring several erotic sequences, this acclaimed Canadian drama co-stars Henry Czerny, David Fox, and Don McKellar; directed by Patricia Rozema ("Mansfield Park"). 94 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English, French; Subtitles: English, French; audio commentary by Rozema; interview; bonus short "Suspect" (2005); theatrical trailers.